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Visiting the Ancient City of Ephesus: Your Complete Guide

Visiting the Ancient City of Ephesus: Your Complete Guide Welcome to our travel blog dedicated to exploring the ancient city of Ephesus, Turkey! We’ve got all the essential details to ensure you have an unforgettable experience. From the best times to visit and cost breakdowns to a detailed itinerary, we cover it all. Here’s what you need to

Visiting the Ancient City of Ephesus: Your Complete Guide

Visiting the Ancient City of Ephesus: Your Complete Guide

Welcome to our travel blog dedicated to exploring the ancient city of Ephesus, Turkey! We’ve got all the essential details to ensure you have an unforgettable experience. From the best times to visit and cost breakdowns to a detailed itinerary, we cover it all. Here’s what you need to know for your trip to Ephesus.

St. John’s Church and Ayasuluk Castle

After visiting the Ephesus Museum, it’s best to head to St. John’s Church and Ayasuluk Castle first. Located about 1 km from the museum, this area provides rich historical insights and stunning views of Selcuk city.

The View From The Church

From the balcony of St. John’s Church, enjoy the breathtaking view that includes the Temple of Artemis, Isa Bey Mosque, and Ayasuluk Castle. This is an excellent spot for panoramic photos.

The Temple of Artemis

On your way to Ephesus, the Temple of Artemis is a must-see. Though mostly ruins now, the site offers a fascinating glimpse into ancient history. Look for the single restored column and imagine the grandeur of the temple in its heyday.

Wandering Among The Ruins of The Temple of Artemis

Explore the column fragments and Ottoman-era tombs within the temple grounds. The site is a photographer’s dream, especially in the cooler months.

The Road to the Ancient City of Ephesus

After the Temple of Artemis, continue 2.5 km to Ephesus. Along the way, you’ll see signs for the House of the Virgin Mary and the Cave of Seven Sleepers.

Entering The Parking Area of Ephesus

Parking costs 50 Turkish Lira for cars and 15 Lira for motorcycles. Use the clean and well-maintained facilities before starting your tour.

What to Know and What to Take with You

Pack a backpack with water, a power bank, and sun protection. Entry fees are standard for historical sites, and there are two spots inside to buy drinks.

The Ancient City of Ephesus Entrance

Begin your tour on the stone path lined with tall pine trees. Visit the tombs and explore the House of the Virgin Mary ruins nearby.

The Church of Virgin Mary

Spend about 15-30 minutes exploring the Church of the Virgin Mary, taking in the restored structures and ancient artifacts.

Harbor Gymnasium

Though under restoration, the Harbor Gymnasium is worth viewing from a distance. The nearby Harbor Street leads to the ancient theater.

Ancient Greek Theater

Enter through the stage entrance for an authentic experience. The theater offers incredible views of the ancient port area.

The Marble Street

Follow Marble Street from the theater to the Celsus Library. Look for inscriptions and a heart symbol indicating a brothel.

The Library of Celsus

This restored ancient library is a highlight of Ephesus. The front façade is nearly complete, and it’s a great spot for photos.

State of Agora

Enter through the gates near the library to reach the agora marketplace. Rest under the shade of large trees in the central area.

A Short Break

Take a break at the small coffee shop near the library before continuing your tour.

Crutes Street

Explore terrace houses, the Hadrian monument, and the Traiani Fountain. Don’t miss the mosaics on the ground and the hidden statues.

The Temple of Domitian

This temple offers more than meets the eye. Look for interesting symbols and explore the areas behind the temple.

Water Reservoir

Follow the path behind the temple to the water reservoir. Though simple, it’s a part of the city’s history.

Ephesus Odeon Theater

The Odeon Theater, used for music and speeches, offers a detailed look into ancient entertainment.

The Cave of Seven Sleepers

Visit the Cave of Seven Sleepers for a unique historical perspective. Though entry is restricted, the view from the trail is worth it.

The House of Virgin Mary

A short drive from Ephesus, this site offers a peaceful and spiritual experience. Drink from the holy water taps and make a wish at the Wishing Wall.

Holy Water and Wishing Wall

Sip from the taps for health, wealth, and love. Write your wish and hang it on the Wishing Wall.

The Way Back to Home

Consider spending two days in Selcuk to fully enjoy Ephesus and nearby attractions. Stay in the Şirince district for a relaxing evening after your visit.

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